
Microbiology study for research aspirants

  • 22 Mar
  • 2023

Microbes are microscopic organisms that can only be seen through a microscope. There are about ten times as many microbes in the body as there are body cells. There are many types of microbes like bacteria, viruses, algae, fungi, and protozoa.


Microbiology is the study of microbes. Microbes are involved not only in rotting organic material, spoilage of food, spread of diseases, etc., but also in curdling milk, digesting food, controlling pollution, making bio-fuels, and preventing diseases. Bacteria and viruses are used in the development of DNA technology. Microbial applications are also abundant in agricultural research.


Various branches in Microbiology


With the development of microbiology, it has been divided into many types. Aquatic microbiology (related to water bodies), immunology (related to immunity), industrial microbiology, microbial genetics, mycology (related to fungi), nematology (related to worms), parasitology (related to parasites), phycology (related to algae), virology (related to viruses) and many more. Branches. There are other divisions like Agricultural, Cellular, Nano, Food, Medical, Veterinary, Pharmaceutical, Environmental etc.


Opportunities in Microbiology


1∙ Medical/Pharmaceutical: Antibiotics, immunotherapy, disease therapy, virus production.


2∙ Industrial: Safety testing of food and beverages, quality assurance of milk and milk products, food processing


3∙ Environmental: Environmental protection, waste recycling, and destruction


4. Teaching


5. Research: The most important area. Continuous research is needed in all areas of microbial activity.


This branch is suitable for those who are determined to make research a career. There are limits to the promotion of B.Sc. or M.Sc. They will not be able to compete with MD microbiology winners. A Ph.D. is an attractive professional field to work as a scientist in a specialty of your choice. Unlike mathematics, physics, chemistry, zoology, and botany, microbiology does not provide opportunities for teaching.

So what are you waiting for?

Come and join our next batch of: BSc Medical Microbiology

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